Sunday 6 April 2014

End of term break

Hey All,

This has been a good week. I have been on holiday from school this week and it was a really great to have a well deserved and long needed break. I spent a lot of time at home just relaxing and helping my sister with her maths but oh, the feeling of being able to sleep in and not having to wake up at the crack of dawn. Bliss.

For me it is a great feeling to travel to new places or places I haven't been to in long and just take my time browsing and looking and discovering. On Wednesday, the 2nd, Me, my sister and my mom took a trip to Kloof just to get out of the house. We had lunch and then spent a while touring the local malls and scouring every corner shop. My sister and I wanted a souvenir to take home and we eventually decided on earrings. Mine were music notes, which is appropriate as I am a piano student. We eventually had cappuccinos at Rose's coffee shop and went home.

On Saturday evening, my family (Including my dad), went to The Pavillion. My sister and I went shopping together while my parents went their own way. It was great spending sister time with my sister and searching through all the shops. I finally decided on a light-washed denim jacket, new jeans and a jewellery pack containing 3 pairs of earrings, 3 necklaces and 3 rings. I was very happy with my purchases.

After the shopping, we (My sister and I), met my parents at Cafe Gitano for supper. A huge area of the mall has just been upgraded and a whole new food court has been built. I was amazed at the transformation and it felt as though I was in a totally new mall. I was eager to dine at the restaurant as it had been built in the new area and on a new floor level. I saw two people that I know at the mall: someone from my school,  which was a surprise because my school is so far away, and my best friend's little brother, who is not so little anymore. Overall, it was a lovely evening and the perfect end to a relaxing holiday.

I start school again tomorrow and so starts term 2. I am ready to get back to work and get a step further to realizing my dreams. During this holiday I researched options for scholarships in South Africa. There are many but they all require a lot of determination, perspiration and  inspiration. I shall get my first term report with my results in 2 weeks and i'll report back accordingly.

It is easter in 2 weeks too. I am excited for the long weekend that comes with it although I cannot say the same for the easter eggs because it is not even easter yet but my dad just bought our third box of easter eggs today. I always tell my family that I will never get thin in our house. Haha, maybe one day.

Till next time,

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