Saturday 3 January 2015

2014 was great! Here's to a great 2015!

Hey All,

Happy New year 2015!  

I hope 2014 was a prosperous and special year for all of you, dear readers. 
2014 was a great year for me with many memories made, lots of hard work done and many goals accomplished. I believe that I grew as a person and took chances that I probably would not have as my younger self. These are the ones that make the memories. One of my favourite quotes is "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" and in 2014 this became clearer. 
I met many new people and had good times with them. Some of them came into my life for a short time only, some of them I've known for a while but just never really known them.

In 2014 I was lucky enough to be able to experience  a glimpse of possible careers that I may choose to enter into next year when I have finished school. For a school project on work experience which requires you to go to a place of work for 3 days, I was able to visit a chemical engineering company and shadow various different applications of the job. But wow! The job is very different to what I initially thought it was from research I had done. It was an extremely interesting and eye-opening experience. I got to meet the actual chemical engineers, electrical engineer, draftsman, production superintendents and even the director of the company! I got to walk around the chemical plant which is huge and the labs and R & D lab too! Although this experience was amazing it taught me that I probably do not want to become an engineer after all! But who knows. 

The other opportunity that I got was equally amazing but probably more inspiring and realistic for me. I got to meet an astrophysicist who is a lecturer at The University of Kwa-Zulu Natal (UKZN), which is the university that is closest to me and which I might attend. This was very inspiring for me because for about 3 years I have dreamt of becoming a physicist. I know, it sounds crazy now and who knows if I am even capable but it is my dream and If you never try, you'll never know. I am so inspired every year to do my best and reach my goals so that I can earn my place at a good institution of higher learning and earn a great degree in science. 

Another way in which I grew as a person in 2014 was through my passion for music. I am still playing the piano and  in 2014 I really found a passion which I had never felt before. I started practicing much more and really enjoying it and looking forward to my lesson every week!
Another big part of my year was when I discovered my now favourite musician on Idols SA. Her name is Lize Mynhardt and she is from Cape Town. She has the most amazing and different voice and  plays piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar and other instruments too! She made it to the top 3 of Idols SA even though she is my winner of the season by far! I run a fan page on Facebook in her honour called TeamLizeForever where you can view some of her performances and pictures. She has inspired me to really take my music seriously and to progress a lot. 

2014 was a great year but it's over now. 2015 lies ahead and it is filled with opportunity and is ready to be made what we will make of it. It has started off great for me and I'm sure it will be filled with lots of hard work as I finish my last year of school and lots of good times too! 
Till next time, 

With my gran and sister on my birthday in 2014

Family photo

With mom and dad

With mom

Me and my bestie

Another good friend and I

My work experience 


Christmas Eve

31st December 2014

Later on the 31st

Me and my bestie

Lize performing Bohemian Rhapsody on Idols SA

Lize performing Somebody that I used to know by Gotye

Lize has so much talent and versatility!

Such a humble person

I discovered Instagram in 2014

See you in 2015!